TOMÁŠ BAŤA - životopisné údaje























1876 narození T. Bati ve Zlíně
1882 začátky učení se řemesla ševcovského
1891 odchod do Vídně
1894 sourozenci Tomáš, Anna a Antonín Baťovi zakládají obuvnickou živnost
1895 první krize podniku, Tomáš Baťa se ujímá vedení podniku
1897 Tomáš zavádí převratnou novinku, obuv typu "Baťovky", první obuvnický stroj z Německa, myšlenka mechanizace výroby
1900 stavba 1. tovární budovy 1904 první cesta do Ameriky, pracuje v Lynnu středisku obuvnického průmyslu jako dělník.
1905 zavedení dvousměnného provozu a založení prodejního oddělení fy Baťa
1906 dokončena 2. budova nového typu
1908 umírá bratr Antonín, vedení podniku se i formálně ujímá Tomáš Baťa
1909 zakládání prodejních agentur, výroba cca 3400 párů denně.
1911 druhá cesta do Ameriky
1912 svatba s Marií Menčíkovou, dcerou ředitele a. a k. knihovny ve Vídni.
1914 začátek 1. světové války, velké objednávky na vojenskou obuv, narození syna Tomáše /17.9./, zřízeno stavební oddělení
1916 založení strojíren
1917 postaveny cihelny, kopytárna, koupena elektrárna, zřízena prodejna v Liberci, denně 10 tisíc vyrobených párů, v továrně pracovalo 5 000 osob.
1918 druhá krize firmy, ztráta činila 3 300 000 Kč za nezaplacené státní dodávky. hlavní věřitelé Česká banka Union a Živnobanka, úvěry ve výši 40 000 000 Kč. pokles výroby na 1700 párů denně
1919 třetí cesta do Ameriky /Ford/, 50 vlastních prodejen.
1920 další cesta do Ameriky ,revalvace Kč, průmyslová krize, firma Baťa snižuje ceny na 50%, 160 prodejen v ČSR
1922 poprvé zvolen starostou města Zlína
1923 Zavedení účasti zaměstnanců na zisku a ztrátě dílny. Počátek největšího rozmachu firmy "Hledal jsem způsob, který by pracoval automaticky jako východ a západ Slunce."
1925 založena Baťova škola práce, zavedení samosprávy dílen, obchodní cesta do Indie, 563 prodejen v ČSR
1926 položen základní kámen Baťovy nemocnice
1927 zavedena proudová výroba obuvi, založena BAPOZ a.s., postaven I. obchodní dům (Tržnice)
1928 ČSR na 1. místě v exportu obuvi. Založen Baťův podpůrný fond jako sociální fond z pokut zaměstnanců a z příspěvků firmy, postaveny Masarykovy pokusné školy
1929 Krach na burze v USA, začátek světové hospodářské krize, otevřen Baťův dům služeb v Praze, dokončeno letiště v Otrokovicích.
Založeny byly výrobní podniky v : Ottmuth Německo Tilbury Anglie Hellocourt Francie Borovo Jugoslávie Chelmek Polsko Mohlin Švýcarsko Best Holandsko Batanagar Indie Bel Camp USA
1930 denní výroba 100 000 párů obuvi, zaveden pětidenní pracovní týden - 40 hodin první v republice, položeny základy budování Baťova /Otrokovice/
1931 založena a.s. Baťa a zaniká veřejná obchodní společnost T. a A. Baťa.
Ve Zlíně postaveno během 1931-32 9 nových továrních budov, 2 skladiště, plynárna, obchodní dům, 6 internátů pro Mladé muže a Mladé ženy, 500 rodinných domů, úložky na osobních účtech zaměstnanců 136,5 mil. Kč. Postaven Dům služeb Baťa v Brně.
1932 12.7. tragická smrt T. Bati při letecké havárii na Baťově
Vedení podniku se ujímá J.A. Baťa, nevlastní bratr. Krize firmy, ztráta 70% exportu, pro překonání krize zahájení výroby jiných komodit /pneu, klínové řemeny, gumové zboží, hračky, kola, letadla, umělá vlákna/. Postaven Obchodní dům ve Zlíně a Velké kino.
1933 založena vývozní a dovozní společnost Kotva, postaven hotel "Společenský dům", otevřen "Památník T. Bati"
1934 zahájena výstavba plavebního kanálu pro dopravu lignitu z Baťových dolů v Ratíškovicích
1936 ve všech podnicích koncernu Baťa mimo Indii vyrobeno 58 mil. párů obuvi. 28 mil párů tuzemsko, 30 mil export nebo výroba v zahraničí. Československo světově první ve vývozu celokožené obuvi, třetí ve vývozu gumové obuvi. Založeny filmové ateliéry Baťových závodů /FAB/
1937 devalvace koruny, zvyšuje se počet zahraničních společností Firma působí ve 33 státech světa na třech kontinentech. V ČSR vyrobeno firmou Baťa 47,8 mil. párů obuvi.
1938 firma Baťa přebírá akcie České obchodní banky Stav zaměstnanců 42 tisíc v Baťově koncernu ,z toho 8000 v prodejnách, v zahraničí 25 tisíc , z toho 8350 v prodejnách. Celkem 67 tis. spolupracovníků.
1939 firma Baťa má 63 zahraničních společností, zakládá společnost Baťa Shoes Corporation Canada. Firma vyváží celé jednotky do zahraničí , aby zachránila své kapacity v průběhu války. J.A. Baťa je v Jižní Americe.
1940- 1944 koncern Baťa pracuje ve válečných podmínkách. 20. listopadu 1944 Baťovy závody vybombardovány americkým letectvem
1945- 1989 24. října 1945 byly dekretem prezidenta Baťovy závody znárodněny. Začíná doba diskriminace a komunistického teroru. Přejmenování Baťových závodů i města Zlína.
1989 po 50. letech navštěvuje Tomáš Baťa, syn zakladatele firmy Baťa, Zlín.
2000 BSO /Bata Shoe Organization/ dnes:

221.000.000 prodaných párů obuvi

49.324 spolupracovníků

50 výrobních závodů

4.743 prodejen

68 zemí světa

9 koželužen

Tomas Bata
Born: 1876
Birthplace: Zlin, Czech Republic

Bata began his career making shoes and grew his business to become the largest leather factory in Europe. By 1928, it was producing 75,000 pairs of shoes daily.
Died: 1932

Bata Yesterday

Tomas Bata was born into the ninth generation hospitals, of a family of shoemakers in 1876. He was 18, in 1894, when he laid the foundation of the Bata Shoe Organization at Zlin in Czechoslovakia and began to show the qualities that would make him extraordinary by any standards

At that time, the shoe industry was little more than a loosely associated group of cottage industries making shoes by hand. The shoes were cumbersome, the choice limited, and the production techniques primitive by any standards.

It didn't take Tomas Bata long to realize that efficient production, distribution and marketing had to be harnessed together in his fledgling company if he was going to build an industry.

But above and beyond that and at a time in the evolution of the industrial world when the machine was everything, he never lost sight of the fact that people, not machines, build industries. In a letter to his relatives written in 1910, he wrote: "The first principle of our enterprise is that you should not look upon it as if it existed for you and your own benefit."

He was ahead of his time in the 1920's when he introduced incentive payments to workers and managers alike. He promoted young people on merit and merit alone and he encouraged their development and education. He built schools, hospitals, and homes as well as factories, and had it it not been for his vision and sense of adventure it is unlikely that factories would have been established in countries and places where people went barefoot. It is possible that even today shoe would be a rare item in many parts of the world.

In 1932, Tomas Bata died in an air crash, shortly after taking off on a business flight.

The present chief executive is his son, Thomas J. Bata. Under his guidance, the Organization has doubled in size and spread to many parts of the world despite a world war in which the founding company at Zlin was lost to the Communists and many other factories and installations in Europe destroyed or damaged. Today it is a multiracial, multicultural and multilingual enterprise.

In the building of the Bata Shoe Organization, and in its rebuilding after 1945, there has been one guiding principle: Thomas J. Bata puts it this way:

"We believe that we have a responsibility to the communities in which we do business. This is especially true in the developing nations where we can help them achieve a higher standard of living by creating jobs and providing opportunities for individual development on the basis of merit."

Bata Singapore

Affiliation with the Bata Shoe Organization  Bata Shoe (Singapore) Private Limited is a member of the worldwide Bata Shoe Organization. The Central Office of the Bata Organization is located in Toronto, Canada with Regional Offices located in various parts of the world. The Regional Office for the Far-East Region is in Singapore.

Due to this affiliation with the worldwide Bata Shoe Organization, Bata Shoe (Singapore) Private Limited receives a constant flow of information and advice with regard to shoeline, marketing and footwear manufacturing developments. This affiliation and inter-change of ideas stimulates improvements in technical and marketing efficiency and serves to keep Bata Singapore as a progressive and innovative Business organization.

Our Development in Singapore 
Bata first made its appearance in Singapore in 1930. In that year, a Bata Shoe Store was opened at the present Capitol Building. In the following year, on August 25, 1931, the Company was officially incorporated in Singapore.

Eight years later, "Bata Building" was opened along North Bridge Road next to the Capitol Building. For many years, Bata Building was to remain a prominent landmark in the vicinity. In the same year of 1939, Bata commenced production of Leather shoes in Singapore.

The growth of the Company in Singapore was temporarily disrupted when war broke out in 1942. The Bata Factory was completely destroyed. Bata was soon back in business when the war ended and business was resumed on January 2nd 1946. The same year, Bata Building was re-opened for business and since then, there has been no looking back in the progress of the Company in Singapore.

The name Bata gradually became synonymous with good quality, medium-priced footwear and Bata soon grew to be a household word. As production and sales increased, the Company soon found itself short of production and warehousing space and consequently it began to look for an alternative site to build a bigger and better Factory. Land was purchased at Telok Blangah Road. Construction commenced and on April 9, 1964, the modern Bata Factory on 66, Telok Blangah Road was completed. During this period also, the chain of Bata Retail Outlets in Singapore was gradually extended to all parts of the Country.

The Main Bata Store at Bata Building was not neglected. Major renovation work was carried out to refurnish the Store as the biggest and most up-to-date Retail Shoe Store in Singapore. On November 3, 1966, the Store was re-opened for business with a completely modern outlook. At that time, Bata was proud that it was the only Store in Singapore, which possessed an escalator to facilitate the movement of customers between the two shopping floors.

The Company continued to be successful and sales and production continued to increase. Soon, even the new building at Telok Blangah became insufficient to meet the need for more production and storage space. Construction work again commenced to build an extension to the Factory Building and in April 1975, the extension to the Factory was completed and officially declared open by the Bata Organization's Chief Executive, Mr Thomas J. Bata during his visit to Singapore.

Bata, hand in hand with Singapore, continued to progress towards the 1990's. The vicinity of the Bata Building was soon earmarked for major re-development. The plans required the demolition of the historic Bata Building to give way to the construction of the Peninsula Plaza Shopping and Office Complex. In 1979, Bata Building in North Bridge Road was demolished and in its place, construction work began for the larger and more modern Peninsula Plaza Complex. Bata's business, however, was not disrupted as it moved to modern temporary premises at the junction of North Bridge Road and Coleman Street. Today, the construction of the premises for the main store within the ultra-modern Peninsula Plaza Shopping Complex has been completed.

Bata Today

The Bata Shoe Organization is a decentralized manufacturing and marketing operation of 58 footwear factories, five engineering works and about 4,800 company owned retail stores. The key word to understanding what makes Bata substantively different from other international business organizations is "decentralization".

Quite simply, it means that each Bata Company is independent and responsible for running its own affairs, with its first concern, the country in which it does business. It is headed by a local Board of Directors and a Company Manager. Many companies have local shareholders and, in some instances, shares are quoted on local exchanges.

This duality - strong local commitment combined with membership in a large international marketing operation - has given the Bata Shoe Organization the stability and that has marked its growth since the early part of this century.

In areas such as organization, planning and budgeting, administration, financing, marketing and market analysis, the relationship of the companies with the international organization has proved vital to the prosperity of the economies in which they function. This is particularly true of the footwear industry with its rapidly changing technologies and its market. whose fashions and tastes must be watched constantly if the product is to answer a consumer need.

International Co-operation The international connection in recent decades has become of greater significance as the growing interdependence of world economies has increased and as developing nations gradually have become more significant in competitive terms.

Of particular significance to developing nations where access to advanced technology is limited and technical and managerial skills scarce, is the B.S.O. policy of standardization and the transfer of know-how.

Bata factories in the United States and Canada, for example, make footwear on the same type of machines as those used in Kenya or Mexico. And when technological advances are made, they are made available throughout the Organization as quickly as possible. The same is true of retail stores: the design of interiors and the style of fixtures and lighting are substantially the same throughout the world.

Standardization policies have enabled us to transfer successfully modern production processess to all Bata companies, making it possible to maintain high quality and control costs in a large number of countries at the same time.
